Tis is my fabric of today’s make… sort off

It is a woven 100% Viscose fabric with a super soft and cool feel. And like all viscose it has a tendency to crinkle but hangs out with body temperature. I love the fabric for it’s drape, it falls just beautifully.

Cutting the pattern out and preparing might sometimes lead to a challenge. Just make sure nothing pulls the fabric whilst cutting. Cut on the floor or big table and don’t let the fabric hang down on the sides. I roll it up and have the overflow lying on the table. Even just resting a hand on the fabric whilst cutting can distort the pattern. Give the fabric the movement it wants and it will be fine.

Now I have all my pieces, put the interfacing on just to find out, I don’t have a zipper!!!!!! How could that ever happen!!!! I really hate this lockdown, normally I would just buy one, no big deal and in an hour time, just continue my project….. but…. I have to order online, one zipper yeah sure, like any of us could do that :O

Nvm I ordered not just a zipper, no surprise there, and have to wait a week…. So better I find a fill project to take of my mind 🙂